Saturday, April 4, 2009

Up Eagle Creek without a paddle

We went up Eagle Creek yesterday, for those of you that have 
be paying attention we have already been there but we went with Sue this time. A couple of months make a massive difference and the river was a lot higher and faster than in February, mainly due to the snow melt coming down from the mountain.The weather was lot warmer as well and the legs saw their first bit of sun. 

Last time the river was lower so you could walk out and see Punch Bowl falls from the river bed, this time to do it you had to wade in the river, i convinced Liz this would be a good idea but quickly realised it wasn't as the freezing water turned our feet blue but we persevered and got a good shot of the water fall before quickly running back. Our exploits seemed to be infectious though and soon the world and his wife were taking their shoes and socks off.

Today we went to a tulip festival about 40 minutes south of Portland in Oregon, the tulips weren't fully out though as up until this weekend the weather has been quite cold but you could see that it will be amazing in a couple of weeks. We did find a pair of shoes to fit my feet though whilst we were there.
Ed & (Liz)

1 comment:

  1. Flower festival -you'll have your name down for an allotment next!
    The shoes look a bit small to me -hope you had your feet measured properly & not at some cut-price outfit.Love the colour though!
